J The Ripper Show #48
Show Finale Pt.1
*Why this might be my final show
*Fucking ugly girls is ok when they look like crack addicts
*Jerking off to girls at work
*Bad business deals, jaded to the community, politics and bullshit
*Year in Review
*Getting Oneitis while being in the game.
*What the show was really intended to do
*The future of the "PUA Scene"
*Status of other lairs
*Who's the bestest PUA I ever saw?
*Update on Sexter making trouble in SF
*Johnny PUA Hater Asks about my "relationship" with Fader from LS
*Casanova Crew in 10 Years?
*Backstabbing wings and their motives
*Club promoting In and outs and what have you's.
*The most important shit Ive learned from being in the game.
*Goodbye, for now...
Listen here:
Dedicated to all the long time listeners, especially Lambchop412 who was probably our biggest fan, Hydro, SixPack, Kinetica, Gudtimes121, Five Stensen, OL Lazy Bastard, Superjoint, Thor, Kid Vicious, Pb2010, all the lurkers, everyone who donated in the past and who thought the show was as addicting as crack, and sorry to any I forgot, remind me and I will put u up!
Special thanks to my co-hosts Decibel and Steamroller, and everyone we've had on in the past.
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major major deja vu right now.
did you post this somewhere before on cc?
it's sad to see you go man
I wouldn't be surprised to see berry sweaty-nutsack-future-george-harrion-cancer-patient licker reply to this thread, (lets just say his face is trash
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Actually Barry and I buried the hatchett. He called me up and apoligized for all the shit he did to me and I did the same, so I guess we're even.
I turned him down to do his show again tho, if he wants more downloads he cant cheat by having me on to give him a few extra thousand downloads.
Goodbye PUA Hate, its been swell.
Jack the Spammer, Scammer, Cult Leader, Anti Christ and Half Ass Marketer Extrordinaire.
Whoever that Mod was that changed my show link to my site, Nicolaus will change it back to the proper link anyways...Im allowed to post my show here...this forum is called TRASH THE PODCAST....so u jealous piece of shit hater, it flattering u changed it and that it bothers u that much.
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I agree, but just like everything else Jack the Spammer has done here, it's a lie.
He'll be spamming us again in the future trying to push his scammy "magic pills to cure approach anxiety" that is too scammy even for the PUA gurus. Not even Mehow has descended to that level yet.
Go fuck yourself Jack the Spammer. Your show sucks and you've been EXPOSED
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you know what is a good scam? bands that can't write their own music
= God
"the only ioi is the chick standing there"
Its all good superjoint, Nicolaus is gonna take care of it he just emailed me. Its flattering the mods are so threatened by my show they have to go out of thier way to hide my links. At least Superjoint and I had the balls to do a show, while your guys only legacy in life will be your post count on this site.
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that was the reason i came back to puahate,
i have realized that nicholaus has always been good to me.
it's the DAMN MODS..... (pua7000 if i ever see you in real life...)
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as in i lost 14 pounds?
hence i no longer have time to do silly shows, and focus on weight lifting/picking up girls?
you funny mods, you real funny
(editing the link shows your hypocrisy and your support of anti-freedom of speech) ain't that right pua700? zipomusse, midnight, clitorious big, and pua?
im making a screencap of it...
and it further shows me what a bunch of faggots you mods are(except the good ones, hint: masterpiece)
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He's castrated: he's been banned twice, next time is permaban hammer time.
how about i click and find out(confirm it
updated, confirmed by midnight, bongo is not a mod.
but then again, i didn't list you.
Mod list: thor, adamlambert,clitorious big, onenatural, pua,pua7000(both fags at this point), masterpiece, midnight, mr. right, zipofagmusse
and another person i shall not mention
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okay, proof?
where is the spam?
also since when is puahate YOUR FUCHEN forum?
does it say you are the admin?
quit acting like you own the goddamn place...
dude, if you are butthurt over the damn pills incident.
then you are a pathetic pathetic man....
1. it is the same person that brought a milestone to puahate(when it wasn't infested by mods) that released bkrs voicemail
2. he did not promote the pills anywhere ON THIS FORUM, what part of that do you not understand?